Hello Guys! Welcome back to Men’s Dream Lifestyle, Today I have a list of some really cool things. I think every single one of you guys should have. Today we’re going to be looking at the 10 things make a manly men. That every guy should have at all times apart from making you prepared for any situation. It can also make you look pretty cool and manly.
1. Tool Box:
The first item on today’s list for manly things is a toolbox with course tools inside. Now, this is the number one thing every guy should be in his house, for those times. When you have to fix a broken pipe or fix a wall or you know loose screw or pretty much anything right. You can keep borrowing your neighbors or you know calling someone to help you out. But you have to be able to fix at least the minor things In your home by yourself. That is why you need a toolbox from your traditional hand tools like a hammer and pliers to more modern tools. You know like a cordless drill, For example, every guy should probably have those at home.
2. Corkscrew:

Next on the list for manly things, something that every guy definitely needs at home is a corkscrew. Look let’s look at the scenario right. You have a girl over for a nice home-cooked dinner or maybe you just ordered something it doesn’t matter. You have the candles, You have the works, you have the entire package but then when it’s time to pour the wine you forget that you don’t have a corkscrew man. Now I don’t want anything like that to happen to you guys, so you need to have a corkscrew.
This is something that is a mistake that I’ve definitely made and it was embarrassing. So make sure that you guys have one at home. Even if you don’t drink that much, if you drink once in a while as I do I like to have one just in case a friend comes over I do have bottles of wine waiting here and if they want to drink I have the wine, I have the corkscrew, I have the wine glasses highly recommend you guys do the same.
3. Cigars:

Now, something that I got into recently probably the past two years or so is Cigars. Now let me get this out of the way smoking is not good for you it’s really not. So I’m not telling you to smoke every day I’m saying that I definitely enjoy a casual cigar with my friends. And when I do like to smoke la aurora cigars.
4. A Grooming Kit:

Next manly things, you need a grooming kit, All right and I’ve talked a lot about this so if you’re a long-time subscriber I know you have a group but if you do not please every guy needs a grooming kit to achieve that. You know clean-cut look no one wants to show up looking like a caveman or with bushy hair, or a crazy beard, If you go to a job interview or a date so get the kit.
So that you can keep yourself neat and presentable, a good grooming kit I’m talking about you know nail clippers, I’m talking about making sure that you have a trimmer for your beard right all of these things guys need these things. You want to make sure that you look good you don’t have to overdo it, you don’t have to spend 45 minutes getting ready every day but make sure that you look presentable. Gentlemen is the key word here what would gentleman.
5. Tailored Suit:

Staying on this James bond theme, you know no matter how well-groomed you are the ultimate way to look, I mean there’s no other word rather than awesome it is a suit. It’s a well-tailored suit a suit makes you look like the perfect gentleman. It makes you look stylish, and sophisticated, commands, and respect make you look like you’re in control but you can’t really pull that off. That feeling you know being a respectable gentleman, If your suit doesn’t fit you all so rather than going for some cheap off-the-rack suit that will make you look cheap and unkempt.
Go for a well-tailored suit with premium quality that’s made just for you, So make sure that you’re getting and if you do get off the rack it’s totally fine I have a lot of suits off the rack. Get it tailored that will make a huge difference most of the time the suit that you get off the rack you know for a couple of hundred bucks they’re okay but they won’t fit you perfectly and that makes a difference. Guys getting a suit tailored will make you look so much better, It takes it up a notch, it takes you to next level.
6. A Decent Watch:

And to go with that suit maintaining this gentleman vibe that we have here every man needs a watch. You know no matter what type of watch depends on your budget you know watches can vary from 50 bucks to millions of dollars nowadays. So you don’t have to go for a really expensive watch. Do not need to spend big money on a watch as long as it’s a classy walk. You know sometimes I see guys wearing a big gold watch massive and it’s not even like a nice brand with any heritage it’s just a big gold watch massive that’s not a good look. It’s doesn’t look like you’re a gentleman it’s just looks like you’re being loud and obnoxious so make sure that you get something that is classy, make sure you get something that is professional that is versatile right.
7. Card Holder:

Another item for manly things that you definitely need to get right now is a slim wallet. Right, I can stand a big wallet filled with receipts and photos and it’s just too much why? There’s no it looks like a burger right. It’s like why? It’s like you have this bold bulge in your back pocket and then you sit down you’re literally sideways because there’s a wallet on one side in your back pocket.
It’s horrible to get something that is thin, something that is classy modern, you can put your credit cards you know up to like four or five credit cards some cash and that is it there’s nothing else that needs to go in your wallet. When it comes to wallets just remember that sleek is the way to go, do not get a bulky wallet that does no good, it looks messy and it just gives more room for stuff that you don’t need.
8. Weekend Shoulder Bag:

Now, something that I’ve always loved even as a kid is a week in their bag man there’s just something so classy, so cool about that look. You know like every campaign from all of these designer stores and designer brands it’s all like the guy with the week in their bag, you know with the convertible car and he’s got the trunk open he’s about to put the bag, It just looks so cool, so I’ve always liked those bags.
So this weekend shoulder bag is a perfect travel bag if you’re looking to get away for a few days, You want to you know pack a lot of stuff if you’re going away for the weekend somewhere. you know you don’t really want a rolling suitcase, you just want something that’s a little bit lighter, so you can just throw it over your shoulder look super cool and go. That is the best, the weekend bag there’s just something about it.
Even if you’re going to your friend’s house right you’re going over and you want to bring some stuff whatever it is maybe some video games honestly anything cigars whatever you want the weekender shoulder bag that’s the way to go it’s way classier than a backpack way classier than a tote of any kind.
9. A Piece Of Art:

Now one of the signs that a man is classy is his artwork and the type of artwork that he has at home. There’s so much amazing stylish, aesthetically, pleasing artwork, and I definitely you guys should start paying more attention to them. If you live in a bedroom in your parent’s house that’s still okay you should still have something on the wall and start learning more and more about the artwork so that when you move into your own place then you can have your own aesthetic, Then you could have your own style, Then you can make your place look amazing.
10. Home Fragrance:
Since we’re talking about home improvements and decorate. Let’s talk about home fragrance, you guys should definitely have some type of home fragrance. whether it’s candles or a diffuser or some spray anything that will make your house home smell amazing right. I think it’s really important that when somebody walks into your home they get the vibe they understand this is a clean home this smells amazing and this is a gentleman that lives here.
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